Friday, January 30, 2009

Next up at PLUM: Great Streets, Green Streets

On February 3, 2009, the Los Angeles City Council's Planning and Land Use Management Committee will hear a report from DOT on the City's plan to implement AB 1358 (LENO), otherwise known as "The Complete Streets Act".  Council File 08-3349 includes a MOTION that instructs Planning & DOT to come up with recommendations on how best to update the circulation element of the General Plan to better accommodate non-motorized transportation, including "bicyclists, pedestrians, and public transit, when making local transportation planning and development decisions."


Authored by San Francisco Assembly Member Mark Leno, and co-authored by Van Nuys Assembly Member Lloyd Levine, Assembly Bill 1358, the Complete Streets Act, will ensure that the transportation plans of California communities meet the needs of all users of the roadway including pedestrians, bicyclists, users of public transit, motorists, children, the elderly, and the disabled. AARP California joined CBC as co-sponsor of the bill.

AB 1358 requires the legislative body of a city or county, upon revision of the circulation element of their general plan, to identify how the jurisdiction will provide for the routine accommodation of all users of the roadway including motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, individuals with disabilities, seniors, and users of public transportation. The bill also directs the Office of Planning and Research to amend guidelines for the development of general plan circulation elements so that the building and operation of local transportation facilities safely and conveniently accommodate everyone, regardless of their mode of travel. 


Also, on February 3rd, as part of Council File 09-0335, the PLUM committee will hear Planning & DOT's Community Parking Project/ Atwater Village Pedestrian-Oriented District, which was developed jointly with Mott Smith & Civic Enterprise Associates, LLC.  The proposal introduces a zoning parking credit program that aims to "create a livelier, more walkable and safer Glendale Blvd. (that will preserve and enhance pedestrian-oriented street-facing commercial uses) and to support small neighborhood businesses (by allowing reuse of existing structures and reduce cost and time barriers to opening new business).  By establishing 'ZONING PARKING CREDITS' the plan will maximize use of public parking resources and "allow small businesses to satisfy parking requirements by leasing zoning parking credits from the City."


Lastly, as part of Council File 07-100, PLUM will hear from  Bureau of Engineering (BOE) in response to Motion 
(Garcetti  -  Perry, et al.) relative to the implementation of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver standard in all newly-built or renovated City facilities 7,500 square feet or larger.

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