Dear Friends and Colleagues of Move LA,
We want to call your attention this morning to SB 791 (Steinberg) and seek your support for this very important bill. We strongly believe that this bill can help create one of the most useful tools we need to meet our county’s and state’s urgent transportation needs.
This legislation, if enacted and signed into law, would enable Southern California transportation commissions, like LA Metro, as well as our metropolitan planning organization, Southern California Association of Governments, to place before voters an anti-congestion fee proposal that could be approved by a majority of voters rather than 2/3.
Funds would be raised by a fee on gasoline or diesel fuel, paid at the pump. These funds could be used only for congestion reduction projects and programs that reduce congestion on arterial roads, highways and freeways, including transit projects and operating costs, or bicycle and pedestrian projects, or even goods movement related projects such as grade separations on freight lines.
We understand that SB 791 could also be used by neighboring counties to fund jointly beneficial projects and programs that reduce congestion, such as Metrolink system enhancements.
In 2008, Los Angeles County voters miraculously voted to support Measure R by more than 2/3 vote and fund many important transit projects. But, it should not require miracles to ensure our basic transportation and economic system needs. SB 791 will provide a sensible and practical approach to this crucial objective.
We have attached the bill and some support materials.
We request that you and your organization or firm contact the following to express support for SB 791 as soon as possible:
Senator Darrell Steinberg, President Pro Tem of the California State Senate
Address: State Capitol, Room 205, Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4006 Fax: (916) 323-2263 Email:
Assemblymember Bonnie Lowenthal, Chair, Assembly Transportation Committee
Address: State Capitol, Room 3152, Sacramento, CA 95814
Also, contact your own California State Assembly member or California State Senator and other members of the Assembly Transportation Committee to support SB 791. A roster of all members of the Assembly Transportation Committee is attached.
Please copy/email Diane Forte on faxes (preferred) or emails that you send or other contact made, so that we can keep track of the support.
Thank you!!
Denny Zane
Executive Director
Move LA
Executive Director
Move LA
310-310-2390 office,
Diane Forte
PS: Also, please forward to your distribution list. Attached is a sample support letter from your organization, for you to modify (preferred), or, a sign on letter (provide name, title and organization...deadline this morning.)
SB 791 Bill text
Assembly Transportation Committee roster and contact info
SB 791 2-page explanation
Sample support letter
Sign on letter
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