Tuesday, October 11, 2011

LIVING STREETS :: Model Street Manual Launch

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Living Streets Manual Now Available Living Streets

Dear Will,


The Living Streets Manual is now publicly available at www.modelstreetdesignmanual.com.


The manual, supported by a RENEW LA grant, and in partnership with the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation, provides guidance for cities seeking to update their existing road standard manuals with new techniques to reflect a greater emphasis on active transportation. It expands on traditional street standards by including principles for reducing stormwater run-off in streets and thereby increasing environmental sustainability. The manual was written by a team of national, regional and local experts in traffic engineering, transportation planning, land-use planning, architecture, public health and other fields. 


Cities across the nation may use the manual in any way, free of charge, depending on their needs. They may adopt the entire manual, adopt certain chapters in full or part, or modify any part to suit their individual needs. 


          M E D I A/R E V I E W S

Luskin Center Spotlight Video: ""Why Is This Manual Important?"with Complete Streets  Program Director, Madeline Brozen.


Atlantic Cities: a new website run by The Atlantic magazine covered the story,

"The purpose of the design manual is to curate a set of best practices that designers and officials can turn to in order to encourage more healthy use of public spaces like streets and sidewalks. It was crafted during a two-day charrette this spring that brought together local and national experts in transportation engineering, planning, landscape architecture, and public health. Any city can take it, adopt it, plagiarize it, whatever."


"In a cool tech move, the producers have made the manual open source--any municipality or designer can use the manual, tailor it for a specific case, and then share their results."  


Urban Times Blog

"RENEW Your Streets for Health Promotion"

"The goal is nothing short of making a LA, a county with weather that is the envy of the world, a great place to walk and bike as well."


LA Streets Blog

"Model Street Manual: A Generic Road Map to Sustainable Transportation Planning"

"My favorite chapter is on "Streetscape Ecosystem."  A truly Livable Street is all about multiple uses in the public space.  I love the parts about creating furniture, waste cans, public art and shopping areas, the text about storm water runoff and rain water management is equally important.  After all, a Livable Street is a Green Street."

(Plug: The Luskin Center coordinated and wrote the Streetscape Ecosystem chapter)


Hawaii Streets Blog

"LA Living Streets Design Manual"

"The manual will help communities expand opportunities for people to walk and bicycle as part of an obesity prevention effort. " 


Smart Growth America Blog:

"Model Design Manual helps towns of all sizes create Living Streets"

"Looking at everything from crosswalks to traffic signals to curb design and more, the manual also incorporates features to make streets lively, beautiful, economically vibrant as well as environmentally sustainable."


Los Angeles City Bike Coalition-Twitter Feed:

"Hey plannerds! The Model Design Manual for Living Streets will be presented tonight at 6:30 PM at Metro HQ: http://bit.ly/rrdc9G. Exciting"



For more information on the Living Streets Manual , or to learn more about our upcoming Complete Streets Conference in February 2012, please email us at  info@modelstreetdesignmanual.com.

Manual Launch Logo
Luskin Center for Innovation | Luskin Center for Innovation | 3323 Public Affairs Building | Los Angeles | CA | 90095-1656

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